Study 6 : Incorporating wind damage in potential flood loss estimation

Incorporating wind damage in potential flood loss estimation

By Srikantha Herath and Yi Wang

  • Despite global efforts, flood losses worldwide are increasing and expected to worsen due to climate change.
  • The fourth IPCC report and recent studies highlight the impact of increased rainfall intensities and intensified typhoons on flood losses.
  • Estimating potential flood losses is crucial for prevention and developing financial instruments to reduce flood risks.
  • However, most flood loss estimation models do not consider wind-induced damages during flooding.
  • This paper aims to review and discuss the possibility of incorporating wind-induced damage in urban flood loss estimation.
  • The paper provides an overview of flood loss and damage models, introduces flood loss estimation with inundation using loss function and inundation modeling in the Ichinomiya River basin (Japan), and presents an approach to estimate wind damage on urban buildings during flooding events.
  • A flood damage case study is analyzed to assess wind-related damage.